What to bring
- Pathology test request form completed by your doctor
- A valid Medicare card and/or Private Health Insurance card , or overseas healthcard card (OSHC) and photo ID – this will ensure your testing is billed to Medicare or your healthcare provider if eligible
- A list of any current medication and doses
You will also need to bring photo ID if you are having a test for any of the following reasons:
- You are an overseas healthcare card holder
- Immigration
- Occupational Health
- Parentage DNA
- Insurance
- Drug Screening
- Court Ordered Testing

What to do before your test
Your pre-testing instructions will depend on the test you’re having, but the most important thing to do is drink plenty of water before your test – unless your GP has given you a reason not to. This will make it easier for our team member to conduct your blood test.
In some cases, you may be required to fast before your test. This means you will not be able to eat or drink for a set period of time. Fasting is necessary for some tests because some foods and drinks can affect your results.
Your doctor will advise if you are required to fast for your blood test.
A quick guide to fasting
- Diabetics should not fast without prior medical advice.
- Fasting means that you abstain from all food and fluids other than water for a period of 8-14 hours prior to your test.
- Alcohol should not be consumed for 72 hours (3 days) prior to the test.
- You should avoid smoking during the fasting period.
- Do not fast for more than 16 hours prior to your testing.
- Continue to take any medication unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
- Children under 12 should avoid fasting for more than 4-6 hours.
Tests that may require fasting include
- Glucose levels
- Lipids levels (cholesterol)
These instructions should be adhered to unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
After your blood test
Once the blood collection is complete:
- Please leave dressing strip in place for 2-4 hours
- Avoid activities which may cause direct impact on the puncture site for 24 hours. If your skin is particularly thin, it may also be advisable to avoid activities which require energetic use of your arm (such as sports, digging or carrying heavy items) for 24 hours.
Your pathology report will be sent directly to your doctor. Please make an appointment with your doctor to discuss results.
Rarely, patients may experience some bleeding, swelling, discomfort or bruising. Should this occur the following steps are recommended:
- Bleeding at needle puncture site:
- Apply firm pressure directly over the needle site and elevate the arm until bleeding stops.
Discomfort or swelling around needle puncture site:
- Elevate the arm and apply an ice pack to the site. This will help reduce bruising.
Excessive bruising:Rest the arm.
- Apply ice pack to the area.
Pathology testing for children - Paediatric Collections
When taking your child for a blood test, it is a good idea to explain why the test is necessary, and exactly what is involved. Often bringing a favourite toy, book or colouring activity can help your child feel more comfortable.
Children over the age of 12 years can have their collection performed at any of our centres. For children aged from 1 to 12 years, we have specialised paediatric collection centres with collectors who have been trained in paediatric care.
To find one of these options – select “Paediatric Collection (0-12 months), (1-5 years), (6-12 years) from the “Any test” drop-down menu in the search criteria.
Please call the collection centre you plan to attend ahead of time and make an appointment.
Sometimes your child or baby may require a urine sample to be collected for testing. Please see Urine Collection (Paediatrics) below for further information.
Drug screening
If you are required to have a legal drug screen, the preferred option is to go to a Laverty Pathology Accredited (AS/NZS 4308) Collection Centre. This will ensure that the collection procedures comply with the Australian Standard (AS/NZS 4308). Our Designated AS/NZS 4308 Collection Centres have been setup to facilitate sample collection according to the standard.
What is expected?
Prior to testing, you will be required to:
- Make an Appointment with the nearest Laverty Pathology AS/NZS 4308 Collection Centre. (Some centres cease legal drug screens at earlier cut-off times than publicised opening hours).
- The Australian Standard (AS/NZS 4308) requires evidence of donor identity. To satisfy this requirement bring photo identification (i.e. Current drivers license, passport, employer photo ID. etc) The preferable collection appointment time is between 11:00am and 3:00pm. If you cannot provide photographic identification, we are unable to perform the collection unless your Requesting Authority can confirm your identity.
- On your arrival you will be asked what medication you are currently taking.
- You will then need to provide a urine sample under supervision.
Who do you contact if you have any questions?
Your first point of contact is your Requesting Authority. In many cases this will be your employer and their appointed delegate (often the Workplace Health & Safety Officer, Personnel Supervisor, Human Resources Manager or a General Practitioner can also request this test.) If they are unable to assist with your enquiry, they will usually contact our toxicologist and report back to you.
If not, you can call our Commercial Department who will assist you on (02) 9005 7090.
Please note: Out of pocket charge may apply.
Check with your requesting Authority.
Urine testing
Your doctor has requested that you provide one specimen or three consecutive mid-morning, mid-stream urine specimens.
- No specific dietary or medication restrictions necessary. Ensure you are well hydrated.
- The first urine specimen of the day is not suitable for this test.
- A mid-morning, mid-stream urine sample should be collected.
- If 3 x urine samples requested, these must be collected on 3 consecutive days. Each sample MUST be marked day 1, 2 and 3 retrospectively.
- Each sample is to be delivered to the Collection Centre each day. DO NOT deliver all 3 samples together.
Materials we supply:
- Yellow top container/s – as per Request Form instructions
- Specimen Bags
First sample:
- Label the container with your full name, date of birth, date and time of collection and test name.
- Remove the lid from the urine container and avoid contamination of the inside of the container or lid. Note: Females – separate the labia (skin folds). Male – retract foreskin if uncircumcised.
- Pass an initial amount of urine into the toilet and then pass the container under and collect a minimum of 30mls (fill the jar 3/4 full) of urine, in the container.
- Place the lid on the container and tighten the lid firmly to prevent leakage. Avoid cross threading of the lid, and insert into the Specimen Bag.
- Return the sample to the Collection Centre on the day of collection.
If there is any delay, refrigerate the specimen.
Important Notice:
Repeat steps 1-5 for the collection of the samples 2 and 3 if required. Ensure containers are marked 2 & 3 respectively on the lid.
It is essential that urine specimens are carefully collected for accurate laboratory results. Please follow the instructions exactly. If you are unsure how to collect the specimen, ask our staff to explain.
We supply you:
- 1 x Urine Collection Container
Collect ALL urine produced within a 24 hour period.
- We strongly advise that you avoid the contents of the container and suggest that you collect your urine into another container (e.g. clean ice cream container) and then pour into the urine container.
- Empty your bladder into the toilet soon after getting out of bed in the morning and record the time (e.g. 6:00 am) and date on the container.
- Collect all further urine samples into the container, up to and including the final specimen, which is to be collected 24 hrs. later e.g. Next morning, empty bladder into the bottle. This will complete the collection.
- Place the lid on the container and tighten the lid firmly to prevent leakage. Avoid cross threading.
- Record the starting and finishing date and time of collection on the container.
- The container should be kept in a cool place during collection.
- Bring container to the Collection Centre within 4 hours of finishing the collection.
Please note that if any urine is accidentally lost/spilt you must notify the collector when returning the sample. Please telephone the Chemical Pathologist on 02 9005 7000 if you are uncertain about any of these instructions.
We supply you:
- 1 x Paediatric urine bag.
- 1 x Yellow top container.
- Label container with the baby’s full name, date of birth, date and time of specimen collection, test name.
- Wash your hands.
- Remove the baby’s nappy.
- Wash the genital area thoroughly with soap and water. Dry thoroughly.
- Open the urine collection pack.
- Remove the keyhole shaped opening on the urine bag without touching the inside of the bag.
- Remove the adhesive protector.
- Apply the bag over the urethral opening.
- After the urine has been passed, carefully remove the bag.
- With scissors, snip the corner of the bag and pour the urine into the yellow top container.
- Place the lid on the container and tighten the lid firmly to prevent leakage. Avoid cross threading the lid.
- Return the sample to the Collection Centre as soon as possible on the day of collection. If there is any delay, refrigerate the specimen.
- Wash your hands and any scissors after this procedure.
We supply you:
- 1 x Urine Collection Container.
Collect ALL urine produced within an 8 hour period.
- We strongly advise that you avoid the contents of the container and suggest that you collect your urine into another container (e.g. clean ice cream container) and then pour into the urine container.
- Empty your bladder into the toilet just before bedtime and record the time eg. 10:00pm and date on the container provided.
- Collect all subsequent urine samples into the container, up to and including the final specimen, which is to be collected 8 hrs. later e.g. Next morning, empty bladder into the bottle. This will complete the collection.
- Place the lid on the container and tighten the lid firmly to prevent leakage. Avoid cross threading.
- Record the starting and finishing date and time of collection on the container.
- The container should be kept in a cool place during collection.
- Bring the container to the Collection Centre within 4 hours of finishing the collection.
Please note that if any urine is accidentally lost/spilt you must notify the collector when returning the sample.
Please telephone the Chemical Pathologist on 02 9005 7000 if you are uncertain about any of these instructions.
Your doctor requires you to collect a First Void Urine sample for a PCR test for Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoea, Trichomonas vaginalis and / or Mycoplasma genitalium.
- Please ensure you have not passed urine for at least 1 hour prior to collection of the sample.
We supply you:
- 1 x Green top container.
- Label the container with your full name, date of birth, date and time of collection.
Where the label reads “Specimen of” write for example ‘Chlamydia First Void Urine.’ - Wash hands.
- Remove the lid from the urine container and place it where it can be easily reached.
Avoid contamination of the inside of the container or lid.
Pass the first 30-40ml (fill the jar 3/4 full) of urine into the container provided. - Pass any additional urine in the toilet.
- Place the lid on the container and tighten the lid firmly to prevent leakage. Avoid cross threading.
- Return the sample to the Collection Centre on the day of collection.